March 2012

Rush Limbaugh's Top 5 Misogynistic Moments

Limbaugh's recent "slut" attack is just one sound bite in a long history of anti-female rants

Rush Limbaugh caused a dustup recently when he referred to a female activist who implored Congress to mandate that birth control to be covered by all insurance companies in all states a "slut" and a "prostitute."  Limbaugh is really going to be pissed when he realizes chastity belts were tossed a long time ago and that women have been having unbridled sex when they want with whomever they want for years.

Gee, I don't remember anyone calling men sluts when they enjoyed their Viagra being covered by insurance.  (By the way, only about 28 states require insurance to cover contraception  -- and that number increased only after Viagra got prime treatment).

Really, I'm not surprised Limbaugh has a problem with universal coverage for birth control. Given his history of slights against women, I'm sure he thinks we should keep our legs closed, only speak when spoken to, and only have sex when we're married and trying to conceive.

In case you missed Limbaugh's past litany of insults against women, here's a tawdry review of the worst five: