Penile Superiority Complex: Gov. Christie insults female detractors with bedroom joke

Penile Superiority Complex: Gov. Christie insults female detractors with bedroom joke

New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie managed to prove himself even cruder than Snooki earlier this month when he used a sex joke about oral gratification to try to put women hecklers in their place at an event where he campaigned for Mitt Romney.

Do they not teach manners in Joisey?

Some females at the function loudly yelled and suggested that jobs had been lost under Christie's tenure as governor; they were chanting something akin to "Jobs are going down!"

Instead of ignoring them, Christie responded -- wait for it -- "Something might be going down tonight, but it ain't going to be jobs."

Wow.  Ugh. The imagery. My eyes!


It's not the tortuous mental image of some poor woman fitting her lips around Christie's disgusting manhood that is most appalling here.

What's appalling is that Christie absolutely would not have said this to a man. He could have addressed the women's concerns about jobs. Instead he focused on their gender and tried to debase them, telling them figuratively that their place was on their knees on the floor in some submissive position -- servicing him.

Don't tell me I'm reading too much into this and injecting unnecessary feminist venom into a harmless situation.   There is absolutely no other purpose or benefit for Christie to connect a chant about jobs to oral sex -- except to embarrass and reduce the status of women who dared to question him.  How dare this governor, a leader of the state, resort to such a chauvinistic quip.

I wish the women had responded something like "Something's going to get hacked off tonight, unless you hack down the unemployment rate!"